Monday, December 3, 2007

I want new clothes.

so...I had a dream.

I was at Costco of all places, and they had a "hipster" clothing section if you in solid colored v-neck shirts in about ten colors, corduroys that had some bit of a flare/bootcut to them, and long sleeve thermals with prison stripes on them, in about ten colors as well. Needless to say, I wanted all of them.

So, I'm shopping, going through sizes and climbing on shit to get stuff from the top (if you've been to Costco, you know what i'm talking about) and Drew Haddon walks up to me...we make small talk, and then this gentleman named "John-Henry", whom is actually friends with my friend Alex Allen, and not Drew, walks up with three friends, all wearing ski masks. I ask Drew what's going on, and he informs me that John-Henry's name right now is "Adam Brockman" and that he might go to jail for what he is about to do. whatever. I continue shopping.

I few moments later, I hear someone saying "no, don't use that ladder, that's for employees only, use this four foot ladder" followed by a chuckle...then, I look up and to my left where the delicatessen section is (it's about a hundred feet from me), but I can see it clearly, looks like some sort of bomb/explosion went off, the metal tables are all askew and upside down, and shit is burning. The best part of it, however, was that people were running over TOWARDS it, because I suppose the frozen meats and what have you were all COOKED now, thanks to the bomb/explosion. I laugh, say "go get it fatties" to myself, and continue shopping.

I realize that these pants may be sized weird, and a 32 may not fit me, so I do the "around-the-neck" test with the waist of the pants, and they seem that they may be a little tight. So i'm digging in the pile of cords for a 33, when I notice my co-worker Loren, nicknamed "Skud" (I still have yet to understand that) is digging in the other end of the pile of cords...I say "ohhhh my, we are going to be wearing the same pants....ohhhhhhhh my body", and then I notice the ski-masked friends and John-Henry/Adam Brockman being walked out the exit (to my left, also a hundred feet or more), and people are running around in a pandemonium-esque manner, although for some reason, it doesn't really phase me, other than making me chuckle a bit...I continue shopping, and move my purchases to the checkout(literally EVERYTHING from the aforementioned "hipster" section) and upon such, my total is $987.00.


I notice on the cashier's screen, that there is a little picture of every garment with the price below it, and i'm preparing to start pointing at things to remove from my purchase, when I look to my left out the exit, and notice that the handcuffed gentleman and Mr. Brockman are being put onto a giant beautiful tour bus. crazy.

and then I wake up.

I suppose it wouldn't be hipster clothing unless it cost SO MUCH MONEY for colored cotton.


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