Monday, February 4, 2008

Now this is what i'm talking about, people.

so, my friends and I (Claudia, Sheena) have begun a "mix cd exchange," if you will. The Idea is that every month, one person makes a mix cd for said month (with any given theme pertaining to that month's activities, holiday, etc.) and sends it to the other two parties. I think it's a splendid idea... and fortunately for this one, it wasn't the splendid idea that "didn't happen."

so anyhow, that was just an introduction for what's to come.

January Mix: Music that's not from the USA
this cd is wonderfux... now i've only listened to it three times, but there are some definite stand out tracks for me:

Norway "Where Happiness Lives"
I love the alt-country feel. I am listening to alot of alt-country lately. I think it has something to do with being in the middle of where? anyhow, good song.

Trio Mocotö
"Onde Anda O Meu Amor(com Zuco)"
I really wish I was driving along the sea with the windows down listening to this. In attempt to recreate that feeling, I nearly froze whilst driving home. boo winter. I want to sit at a bar and laugh and watch people dance to this song. That sounds like a really exhilirating experience

The Shortwave Set "Is It Any Wonder"
I don't know what this reminds me of. The girl's voice catches me offguard still, but I like it. there's some good music coming from the UK as of late. that makes my boobies jiggle.

Thomas Dybdahl "Cecilia"
This guy is from Norway too, and has four freakin' albums. I've heard very little (I ventured over to his myspace after hearing this song) but what I hear, I like alot. smoky vocals, sexy grooves? it reminds me slightly of ed harcourt, whom I love immorally. Thomas Dybdahl. listen to it.

Gogol Bordello "Alcohol"
Good ole' Gogol. I heard about this wonderful outfit through Jake, whom I work with. His mustache grows better than mine, and I think it stems from listening to this band. Good stuff.

The rest of the cd will come to me upon more listens.

too bad for you bitches, because you can't have one.

ha ha HA.

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