Thursday, January 31, 2008

the end of the world, according to Devin

My dream last night was quite magnificent that I may not remember all of it, but I remember that it was AWESOME.

So, i'm in some rural neighborhood, and it all beings with a loud bang (not unlike the beginning of terror in cloverfield). The people I am with (sheena, my brother, his wife salena, my mother, and some other people? that escapes me) and I go outside, and it's snowing volcanic ash...from there, news spreads of a civil war occurring within the neighborhood, and it just so happens that the battlefield is across the valley from where I am, and you can see it quite clearly...very old school battle style....straight lines of soldiers (all wearing 1865 civil war uniforms, which made me laugh) and muskets, all contained within a picket fence area in front of a home, so in other words, very SMALL civil war.


People see the battle, and retreat to their homes...I think my home was playing either mouse trap, boggle, or monopoly...when finally the shooting ended, I sneak outside, down into the valley, and up the other side to the battlefield, when I see the "last man standing", a general of some sort (I knew who he was in my dream) coming towards me, looking very angry... I turn to hide, and notice my brother and his wife behind me. I sush them, and push them into the brush that covered the entire hill up to the battlefield (imagine all brush-like small dead trees, with a jagged path leading between it all). we peer through the brush and falling volcanic ash to watch "the general" pass us and continue down the path to the bottom of the hill...I sneak out and follow his steps...but not too a James Bond manner. As we reach the bottom of the hill, the general turns as if he hears something, and again I sink into the brush, but in a place where he is still visible, and I see him remove a MASK (omg) and lift this hidden panel that was covered with grass, take out a bookbag, put on a safari hat, and disappear into the night.

I'm baffled, but only for a moment.

So we continue our evening of hasbro games, and go to sleep.

Awaking the next morning, things are worse than they seem...we have taken to the streets, along with thousands and thousands of other people, who occasionally loot or steal a car. I look into the morning sky, and see this fuming cloud swirling around something that looks like a tampon (I know). I laugh for a second, and then realize that the sun is GONE, and this fuming tampon or swirling smoke is emitting the light we formerly knew from the sun. I ask a fellow looter "wtf" and he explains that this was the government's answer to not having a sun, but it's not going to last long.

I'm shocked, confused, and slightly hurt.

I collect myself, and then ask "well what happened to the sun" He turns and points at the sky behind me. In fear, I turn very slowly.


The sun has become a GIANT version of earth, with beautiful green land masses and swirling clouds. it's beautiful, but then the reailty sinks in that the sun no longer exists, yet for some reason I don't panic.

I go to the mall.


so, we're are walking through a mall that I've never been to (oh, by the way, the continued journey includes sheena, my brother, and salena), and we're trying to decide what stores we want to loot. Much to my chagrin, this mall is full of Gaps and Banana Republics and crap of that manner, but at the end of the mall, as if the "light at the end of the tunnel" lies Bloomingdales, to which I yell "a glowing beacon of hope!"

Sheena says "omg I totally want to loot Bloomingdales"

as we make our way towards the store, I see that it's a GIGANTIC Bloomingdales, a I can make out railings of the second and third levels from the ground...and by the looks of it, the ceiling is about 100 feet above the flooring of the third level.

As we get closer, we see all the security guards with guns and batons walking through the racks of clothing, and chicken out.

The next recollection of this dream is myself and my continued group of flunkies (sheena, my brother, and salena) around a pool, and i'm wearing new clothes from bloomingdales. we're throwing some strange space-aged ball that rotates when you touch it, so it's very hard to hold onto, and we're throwing it back and forth across the pool. The only catch is, if you drop it, it blows up like a nuclear bomb. So my brother and I are throwing it back and forth with no problems, until he decides to be a jerk and throw it towards to water, so I jump across the pool and catch it just before it hits the water...thus ruining my new bloomingdales clothes...They all have a chuckle at my expense, whilst I cry like a babe.

Last instance of the dream that I can recall, we are playing video games, and i'm trying to select a character, and this videogame controller is like a book that opens, with 2-inch colored square buttons, evenly dispersed upon each side of the "book". You've got to select your character by pressing ALL of the buttons on either side of the book that match your character's color. I did not know this, and press a button that earns me the character of "ginger ale"

I swear aloud, yelling about how I do not want to be ginger ale, and salena laughs at me (laughing mixed with snorting).

good morning. it's 9:30

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sexy feet

That is what I will have when I get these shoes.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

cloverfield. oooh! spoilerz!

so, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it, for starters.

In my newfound infatuation for the movie Cloverfield, I was reading critics' reviews of the film last night, and was very bothered, even to the point I couldn't get the sleep I was in need of seeing that I was working in six hours.

Alot of the negative feedback about the movie was in reference to the monster, and lack of explanation to it's origin, or even what the hell it was. It's funny to me that the American public refuses to appreciate or enjoy a movie unless EVERYTHING is handed to them on a platter, i.e. what they are dealing with, how it can be killed, and so on. Cloverfield does none of this, and I feel it was necessary for the manner in which the film was potrayed.

potrayed, meaning that it's an entire account of a monster attack on manhattan, all from the perspective of a home video camera. Think about it, if this actually happened, no one would know what the monster was, or where it came from, in the matter of the six or so hours of one night that the film encompasses. The fact that you don't know what it is makes it even scarier, and it severely hurts me to hear people complain about this.

...and people have been comparing it to The Blair Witch Project which I have not seen, however, the only similarity between the two is the home video camera perspective. I've never seen this Blair Witch crap, but i'm pretty sure (from what i've heard) that they never show you what's chasing the people in the film. This movie, however, shows you what is chasing/attacking them, it just doesn't explain what it is...because, if i'm not mistaken, that's the feeling they want to evoke in the viewer...the feeling of sheer terror...knowing that something is coming to get you, knowing what it looks like (CRAZY), but not knowing where it came from, what it wants, or what to do, without having these GLORIOUS (scoff) panning shots of the monster, or the destruction, or a god's eye view (if you will) of just what you're dealing with. Just real, first hand experience of what it would be like.

AND, footage from a home video camera of a helicopter crash from inside the helicopter is freaking awesome.

so to all you bitchy critics that must find fault in EVERYTHING (and that will never read this blog) verily I say unto you:



I loved it. I'm going to see again, and maybe after that, I WILL SEE IT AGAIN.

and who knows.


this film gets a sexy A+++ from magical devinland.

the magical dreamland called "losing it"

this is an old dream, and by old, I mean two weeks or so.

so what? i've been busy.

So i'm driving through the industrial glory that is the city of Cartersville, Ga (is this even true? who knows), and about to turn into the drive-thru of a mcdonalds, when all of a sudden, the parking lot flips completely over to resemble a glorious landscape of topiaries and flower arrangements.

I know.

slightly bothered, yet intrigued, I continue on my journey through Cartersville. Business after business flips upside down to resemble glorious landscape after glorious landscape...which begins to annoy me, because all I really want is a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit.

I'm riding with someone (can't remember at this point) who informs me that in order to bring more tourist attention to Cartersville, they have turned all business properties into landscaped sections that randomly appear, and it's going to be called "losing it"


eventually, I end up in some house, and get angry at a topiary plant in the house, and flip it over and stick the plant out of the bottom (now the top) of the flower pot and yell "look! this plant is LOSING IT!"

I think i've lost it.