Wednesday, October 3, 2007

last night's dream.


are you excited???


SO myself and some of my friends, as well as other people I didn't know/care about were galavanting around this giant had many inlets and even sections that were completely seperated by land...

none of us had a boat, so when we found one...we'd take it. However, don't think large Yacht style boats...more like fishing boats or canoes, with 15 people crammed in it, all drunk and giggly.

So at some point in the dream, people start dying (of course...when there's too much fun going on, that means someone is about to die). It's some group of madmen that are trying to kill us, but they have the ability to breath under water (like harry potter), so if you get in the water, they pull you down, and then kill you...I was only slightly scared.

So we are running away, stolen boat after stolen boat, we'd run upon land, run across this heavily wooded section, and back into another pond/lake of some sort, steal a boat, and across the lake again, stop at some inter-lake boat house thing, run in circles around that for a bit, and each time some straggler gets caught and killed (the whole time, the only people dying are the people I don't about, which is wonderful). Imagine guts, but instead of the agro crag, it's woods and lakes...however very obstacle course-esque..I believe I was giggling most of the time I was running...

The last piece of ground we run upon is some sort of village, although it looks like the renaissance festival, with large wooden panel fences, and the huts had beach towels draped was like driving by the windows of a "wings" (if you're from florida, or have been there, you know what i'm talking about..everyone else can suck it)...So I run through the huts, and pass this JACUZZI TUB full of old people on my left, and immediately in front of me is this carnival-esque wall, withs cages of King Crab (what?), spiders, and some other animal shit...anyhow, the bad guy chasing me had a chainsaw (just my luck), so I hide behind the spider cage (it had a cork wall backing...) and when he runs up to it, I push it over. He drops the chainsaw, and JUMPS from the spiders (as I would, except they were crawling towards him)...and I grab the chainsaw, and as I'm about to kill a bitch, I turn to see that one of the King Crab had grabbed him up into their cage (I don't know how this happened) and he's being STABBED TO DEATH by the crab legs...OH...

So a slight modification on the king crab...imagine a giant spider with king crab legs...ever seen a spider spin a cocoon around their prey? They get all their legs crumpled together, like if you touch all the fingers on one hand together (try it!!). so it was like that, and the legs squeezing around him, spinning him around and STABBING him every touch of a claw. It's hard to explain, but I assure you it was the end, blood was pouring out of the cage (hee hee hee).

So I ran through the hut village, SLICIN and DICIN the bad guys, and a few of the people I didn't know/care about just for grins.

then I woke up.

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