Tuesday, October 30, 2007

wonderful pizzaland sprinkled with drugs!

I love working at Johnny's Pizza.

I can do AND eat whatever I want.


Tonight, I did this:

Got in to work, and immediately went outside to have a cigarette and small talk with my boss...we made fun of his stupid girlfriend who is "fat and stupid".

It's true. she sits around and plays playstation all day.


but not playstation, just her. playstation is awesome.

ANYWAY, f0llowing my post-clock-in party, I put "Live On Other Planets" by Supergrass in the big pimpin boombox (it's actually a small piece of shit that distorts more than booms)...I proceeded to wash a few dishes, and sing like a baby (not really...I just have a beautiful baby voice. oh, you know...) for roughly fifteen minutes, enjoying every minute of my life.

Then, I got tired of washing dishes, so I made a salad.

A DELICIOUS salad with tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, onions, pepperoncini, salt, pepper, parmesan, mozzarella and ranch dressing.

I call it "suburban delight"...it's delicious (like I said).

THEN, I washed the occasional dish and sang (with my beautiful baby voice) for the rest of the night, whilst listening to Roxy Music's Self titled album, Elefant's "Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid" and finishing off with Iggy Pop's "Lust For Life". then I took out the empty beer kegs and garbage, to find the General Manager and Adam (The Dude) smokin a blunt by the garbage.

I love my job.

I finished off my shift with a two-beers-for-mopping-the-kitchen trade with the GM.

I clocked out at 9:20, with ten minutes to spare before my parents arrived...I chugged the rest of my second beer and smoked a cigarette, slumped over in an outside patio chair, enjoying being temporarily high/intoxicated.

Ah these moments of bliss that were so few and far between now come ever so frequently.

I love you Johnny's Pizza...touch my penis and let's be friends!

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